
Aliases are shortcuts for commands that can save time and make it easier to execute common and frequent commands. The following aliases do not display information in a fancy way, but they make it easier to execute commands.

Difficulty: Easy


The following list of aliases was derived from contributions by RobClark56 and 2FakTor.


  • With user admin, ensure you are on home folder and download the aliases list provided for a MiniBolt environment

cd /home/admin
wget -O .bash_aliases

If you want, inspect the list of aliases to make sure it does not do bad things, and modify it with your personal aliases. Exit with Ctrl-X

nano .bash_aliases
  • Execute a source command to register changes of the .bash_aliases file in the .bashrc file

source /home/admin/.bashrc


  • Simply type "alias" to display all available aliases

alias enableallmain='sudo systemctl enable bitcoind electrs btcrpcexplorer lnd rtl scb-backup'
alias enablebitcoind='sudo systemctl enable bitcoind'
alias enablebtcrpcexplorer='sudo systemctl enable btcrpcexplorer'
alias enablecircuitbreaker='sudo systemctl enable circuitbreaker'
alias enablecln='sudo systemctl enable cln'
alias enablefulcrum='sudo systemctl enable fulcrum'
  • Test some of the aliases to see if it has been installed properly

Example of expected output ⬇️
> The installed versions of the services are as follows:
> Bitcoin Core version v23.0.0
> lnd version 0.15.3-beta commit=v0.15.3-beta
> BTC RPC Explorer: "version": "3.3.0",
> Electrs: v0.9.9
> RTL: "version": "0.12.3",
> Tor version
> NPM: v8.15.0
> NodeJS: v16.17.1
> htop 3.0.5
> nginx version: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)


Follow again the Set up Aliases section again to overwrite aliases.

You can see if the aliases have a recent update by entering here


  • To remove these special aliases, with the user admin, simply deletes the .bash_aliases and executes a source command to register changes. The aliases will be gone with the next login

rm ~/.bash_aliases
  • Execute a source command to register changes to the .bashrc file

source /home/admin/.bashrc

Last updated